320 Post Ave, Suite 107, Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 500-5000
320 Post Ave, Suite 107, Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 500-5000

Biz2Insure Privacy Notice

Effective Date: January 16, 2024

Biz2Insure and its affiliates (“Biz2Insure” or “We”) is a unique and innovative retail property & casualty and employee benefits insurance brokerage and consulting firm. Biz2Insure is committed to protecting your privacy and the privacy of its clients. This Privacy Notice describes how Biz2Insure collects, uses, and discloses personal information. This Notice applies to any personal information you provide and any personal information we collect from other parties, including your employer.

When do we collect your information?

Biz2Insure collects personal information when:

What information do we collect?

In the course of interacting with you or providing our products and services, Biz2Insure may collect information from you or other sources, including your employer, which may include the following:

How do we use your personal information?

We process personal information that is provided by you or our clients in order to perform services. The processing of your personal information depends on the type of services we provide, applicable laws, regulatory guidance, and professional standards. Where Biz2Insure processes your personal information on behalf of a client, such as your employer, it is the client’s obligation to ensure that you understand that your personal information will be disclosed to Biz2Insure.

All processing of your personal information is justified under a “lawful basis” for processing, including the following:

In limited circumstances, we will use your consent as the basis for processing your personal information, for example, where we are required to obtain your prior consent in order to send you marketing communications.

Do we collect information from children?

Biz2Insure does not knowingly collect information from children who have not reached the age of consent under relevant data privacy laws. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child who has not reached the age of consent, we will delete it immediately.

What Information Do We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies?

As you navigate through and interact with Biz2Insure’s websites, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, including:

The information Biz2Insure collects automatically is only statistical data that helps Biz2Insure improve its websites and deliver a better and more personalized service, including by enabling Biz2Insure to:

The technologies Biz2Insure uses for this automatic data collection may include:

Biz2Insure does not collect personal information automatically, but it may tie this information to personal information about you that it collects from other sources or that you provide to Biz2Insure.

How long do we retain your personal information?

Biz2Insure collects and processes personal information in connection with providing its clients with various services, each of which may be subject to minimum or maximum retention periods, as required by law or Biz2Insure’s Record Retention Policy.

Biz2Insure also maintains personal information supplied by former clients and manages this information in accordance with its Record Retention Policy.

We retain each category of your personal information for no longer than is reasonably necessary for one or more business purposes. Due to the nature of the services, it is not possible to predict the length of time that we intend to retain your personal information. Instead, we use the following criteria to determine whether it remains reasonably necessary to retain your personal information for one or more business purposes:

When we determine that it is no longer reasonably necessary to retain your personal information for one or more disclosed business purpose(s) based on the above criteria, we will delete your personal information.

Do we disclose your personal information?

We may share your personal information with Biz2Insure’s subsidiaries and affiliates as part of the process of providing services to you or to fulfill the purpose for which you provided it. We may also share your personal information with contractors, service providers, and other third parties that you or Biz2Insure has engaged to perform services for you or to otherwise support Biz2Insure’s business operations. These third parties are contractually bound to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which Biz2Insure discloses it to them.

Biz2Insure may also disclose your personal information to a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Biz2Insure’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by Biz2Insure is among the assets transferred.

Biz2Insure may also disclose your personal information to comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request, to enforce or apply our Terms of Use, or if we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Biz2Insure or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection.

Do we transfer your personal information across geographies?

For certain services offered by Biz2Insure, personal information may be transferred outside of Biz2Insure or to third parties that may operate outside of the United States. Personal information may be transferred, processed, or stored in countries that are not regarded as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal information under New York State law. When personal information is transferred to those countries, we put in place standard contractual clauses and other safeguards to ensure your personal information is protected. Countries that we transfer personal information to include India, Philippines, China, among others. For more information about the safeguards we have put in place, please contact us using the information found in the “Questions and Complaints” section below.

How do we protect your information?

Biz2Insure protects personal information using physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that are specifically designed to meet or exceed the requirements of applicable laws. All Biz2Insure employees receive training on the importance of protecting personal information, and only authorized employees have access to personal information. Subcontractors and agents are contractually bound to maintain protection of personal information and are not permitted to use the information for any unauthorized purpose.

What choices do you have about your personal information or our communications?

You have certain rights related to the processing of your personal information, including:

Additional Information for New York Residents

Under New York State law, you have the right to request and obtain from us an account of your personal information we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes. You will receive a notice that will include the categories of personal information that was shared (if any) and the names and addresses of all third parties with which the information was shared (if any). Biz2Insure does not use technology that accommodates do-not-track signals from your browser. If you are a New York resident and would like to make a request, please contact us using the information found in the “Questions or Complaints” section below.

  1. Collection and Use of Personal Information In the 12-months preceding the date the information in this section was last updated, Biz2Insure has collected the following categories of personal information about consumers: Identifiers (such as name, postal address, and Internet Protocol (IP) address); Personal information categories listed in the New York Customer Records statute; Customer Records Information (such as name, address, and credit card or debit card number); Protected classification characteristics under New York or federal law; Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information (such as information regarding a consumer’s interaction with our website); and Professional or Employment-Related Information.

Biz2Insure obtains these categories of information from you and from our clients to whom we provide services.

  1. Disclosures to Third Parties for a Business Purpose In the 12-months preceding the date the information in this section was last updated, Biz2Insure has disclosed the following categories of personal information about consumers for a business purpose: Identifiers (such as name, postal address, and Internet Protocol (IP) address); Personal information categories listed in the New York Customer Records statute; Customer Records Information (such as name, address, and credit card or debit card number); Protected classification characteristics under New York or federal law; Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information (such as information regarding a consumer’s interaction with our website); Professional or Employment-Related Information; and Sensitive Personal Information.

We disclose the categories of personal information listed above to our service providers in connection with the products and services we provide to our customers. We also disclose the categories of personal information listed above to obtain quotes or proposals or to underwrite insurance.

Biz2Insure may disclose personal information to our “service providers,” to our “contractors,” and to “third parties” for business purposes. When we disclose personal information for business purposes, we enter into an agreement with the receiving party that describes the purpose for sharing the personal information, and that requires the receiving party to keep that personal information confidential. In the case of disclosures to our service providers, our service providers are obligated not to use the personal information for any purpose other than performing the services according to their agreement with us. In the case of our contractors, our contractors are obligated not to use the personal information for any purpose unrelated to the business purpose for which we’ve engaged them.

  1. Use of Personal Information We may use or disclose the personal information we collect to:
  1. Sale of Personal Information and Right to Opt-Out “Sell,” “Selling,” or “Sold” means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, personal information to another business or a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration.

“Share,” “Sharing,” or “Shared” means sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, personal information to a third party for Cross-context Behavioral Advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration. “Cross-context Behavioral Advertising” means the targeting of advertising to an individual based on that individual’s personal information obtained from activity across businesses or distinctly-branded websites, applications, or services, other than the business or distinctly-branded website, application, or service with which the individual intentionally interacts.

We do not Sell or Share, and have not Sold or Shared, your personal information. We will not Sell or Share your personal information without providing notice to you and getting your consent.

  1. Right to Know and Right to Request Deletion of Personal Information New York residents have the right to request that Biz2Insure disclose what personal information it collects, uses, and sells, as well as the right to request that Biz2Insure correct or delete certain personal information that it has collected from you. “Verifiable request” means that the identifying information you provide in connection with a request matches the personal information Biz2Insure already maintains. Once Biz2Insure receives and confirms your verifiable request, it will disclose to you, based on the nature of your request: the categories of personal information it has collected about you; the categories of sources for the personal information it has collected about you; Biz2Insure’s business or commercial purpose for collecting that information; the categories of third parties with whom it shares that information; and/or, at your request, the specific pieces of personal information Biz2Insure collected about you.

You also have the right to request a copy of your personal information, and/or to request that we transmit your personal information to another entity. To the extent technically feasible, we will comply with your request and provide and/or transmit your personal information in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

Biz2Insure may deny your request to delete your personal information if retaining the information is necessary for Biz2Insure or its service provider(s) to:

If Biz2Insure denies your request, it will provide you with an explanation of our reason(s) for doing so.

You further have the right to request that we correct any of your personal information that is inaccurate by submitting a verifiable request. We will correct any inaccurate personal information pursuant to your request to the extent possible using commercially reasonable efforts. We may deny your correction request if the personal information is accurate. We may also delete your personal information instead of correcting it to the extent such deletion would not negatively impact you.

You also have the right to request that we limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information by submitting a verifiable request. If you submit such a verifiable request, we may continue to use or disclose your sensitive personal information to:

SMS Consent

By consenting to SMS communications, you will receive updates, reminders, and other information related to our services via SMS from Biz2Insure. These communications are part of our efforts to keep you informed and engaged with the services we provide. We respect your privacy and will not share your SMS consent or phone number with any third parties, nor will we use them for marketing purposes unrelated to Biz2Insure.

If you wish to opt-out of receiving SMS communications, you can reply “STOP” to any message or contact us directly. You may contact Biz2Insure using the information provided in the “Questions and Complaints” section below. An agent may submit a request on your behalf, but you must verify that your agent is authorized to do so.

After we receive your verifiable request, we will provide the requested information to you in writing and free of charge (unless your request is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded). Unless you specify a shorter period for the request, and provided that processing your request does not require disproportionate effort, we will process your request with respect to personal information we have collected from January 1, 2022, up to the time of processing your request. You can choose to have this information delivered by postal mail or electronically.

We will make every effort to respond to your verified request within forty-five (45) days of receipt. However, if we require more time (up to another forty-five (45) days), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. Please note that we are not required to comply with your request for information more than twice in any 12-month period.

Career Search

Biz2Insure.com includes the Biz2Insure Career Portal, which is available for those who wish to search and apply for open job positions at Biz2Insure. Applications and other materials submitted through the Portal are first collected and processed by a third-party vendor. By submitting an application through this Portal, you consent to this processing of your personal information.

Website and External Links

This Privacy Notice describes the data privacy and protection policies of Biz2Insure.

In addition, Biz2Insure.com may contain links to other websites. This Privacy Notice only addresses your information that is received by Biz2Insure. You are encouraged to review the privacy policies of each website you visit.

Changes to this Statement

This Notice may be changed at any time. Unless stated otherwise, all changes that occur will become effective immediately. The date the privacy policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. By continuing to access Biz2Insure websites, you agree to accept all terms and conditions outlined in this Notice.

Questions or Complaints

If you have any questions or complaints about this Notice, or about our data privacy or security policies in general, or if you want to exercise your rights, you may contact us via our webform, by mail at Biz2Insure Corporate Headquarters, Attention: Privacy Officer, 320 Post Ave, Suite 107, Westbury, NY 11590, by email at info@biz2insure.com, or by telephone at 516-500-5000.